10 Simple Ways to Start Being Healthier
Sometimes, being healthy just isn't a priority. It can be stressful to meal plan or be conscientious of what you are eating. Life is crazy busy, and far too often, we just don't have time to go to the gym, cook healthy dinners, or even think about staying fit.
It can be extremely stressful and discouraging to look in the mirror and not be happy with what you see, especially when you feel as if there is nothing you can do about it.
From a fellow woman with self-esteem issues, I've been there!
Please know that you are not alone, and that being healthy does not have to be difficult.
In fact, there are many easy and simple ways to become just a little healthier. Following these small steps can lead to a HUGE lifestyle change. After changing these few things in my life, I became happier and just felt better about myself.
Of course we are all going to still have days where we don't like ourselves, or we feel so far away from our goals, believe me. But it doesn't have to be impossible to get back on track! Take heart my friends, because I am about to help you out.
Here are a few things that have really helped me stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle, even when I don't have time to be fully dedicated.
Distress? NO get out of distress, and DE-stress. Stress overall leads to poor health. The risk for certain health issues increases due to stress, such as heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, depression and anxiety, sleep abnormalities, digestive problems, and even weight gain.
So I say all of this, and you might be thinking, "My entire life is stress, there is no way to escape!"
Deep breaths.
I am in no way saying you need to remove all stress from your life, because that is pretty much impossible, but there are a few simple changes you can make to reduce stress, which can also lead to improvement of physical and mental health, and restrict weight gain.
Not everyone can have color-coded folders, pens in every color, matching desk accessories, and every receipt from the last 18 months neatly sorted by date... I definitely can't!
But just because you don't spend all of your time sorting your recycling into plastics and paper, doesn't mean you don't have your life together.
Organization is different for everyone! It is true, I swear. The point of this is to de-clutter your work spaces and everyday encounters so that you feel more comfortable. Having a messy environment increases stress levels because you feel as if there is one more thing you have to do.
At the end of the day, I could be drowning in homework, tired from the all-nighter I pulled, and my checklist for the day could still have twelve things I didn't do, but at least my room is clean!
Sometimes, that makes all the difference. Don't underestimate the power of a tidy area. It relaxes the brain into believing you at least have part of your life together. So don't let your entire life be a mess, and clean your room! It will keep you partly sane, until you can finish that to-do list!
Deep Breath and Relax
Stress can often distract us from giving ourselves proper care. Our life gets so busy and we neglect the needs our body is asking for. Even if we do have time, sometimes we just don't want to or know how to begin.
It might not be as difficult as you think.
Grab some of your favorite tea, put on some fuzzy socks, rub on a bubbly face mask, and read a good book. Unwinding is one of the healthiest things you can do for your brain, especially when you have been using it to stress out all day.
Find something that doesn't take a lot of brain function, and makes you happy. Just do it!
It doesn't matter if it is only or a few minutes, it will greatly reduce stress levels in the long run.
It might not be as difficult as you think.
Grab some of your favorite tea, put on some fuzzy socks, rub on a bubbly face mask, and read a good book. Unwinding is one of the healthiest things you can do for your brain, especially when you have been using it to stress out all day.
Find something that doesn't take a lot of brain function, and makes you happy. Just do it!
It doesn't matter if it is only or a few minutes, it will greatly reduce stress levels in the long run.
Sleep is one of the most overlooked aspects of good health. Without sleep, our bodies just don't function right. Neglecting to sleep can have detrimental effects on your body and brain function.
The average adult should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. So if you only get 3-4 hours a night... you need to make some changes.
Sleep deprivation leads to a decline in your immune system, greatly increasing your risk for sickness and, in long term, disease. It can lead to high blood pressure, recall and memory loss, and can greatly increase your risk for getting into an accident because of impaired focus.
So next time you decide to stay up all night 3 days in a row, ask yourself if it is worth it.
What is more important, a small school assignment, video call, or endless stream of youtube videos, or good healthy sleep?
If you have read any of our other articles, you know how much we stress hydration.
Water is the most important part of your day!!!
It kills me inside... water is so vitally important, yet so easily overlooked.
Dehydration can be the underlying factor for a lot of your "health problems."
Skin problems, digestive issues, bloating, inability to lose weight, headaches, exhaustion, dizziness, mood changes, and lack of focus are just a few of the many negative effects of dehydration.
Properly hydrating yourself on the daily can quickly change your life. Water is magic.
Fixing your dehydration problem can lead to an abundance of health boosts and completely change your daily mood and is an extremely easy fix for many health issues.
So drink your water!
Aim for half a gallon, and go further if you can.
Say No to Refined and Processed
Put the donut down....
Refined sugars and processed foods will keep you from being your best. Not only do they encourage weight gain, but they are full of chemicals and unwanted additives that leave you feeling terrible, tired, and probably with a headache. Leaving behind these sugars and processed foods can help you feel happier and promote weight loss
These foods give temporary satisfaction, but DO NOT fill you up. You will always come back for more because sugars burn fast. After all of the sugar has been burned up, you will eventually crash.
So swap that pack of cookies for a banana or organic protein bar and take a deep breath knowing you won't feel guilty about your food decisions later.
Green Tea
Green tea actually is sorcery. Have you heard about all of the health benefits? If you aren't drinking it right now, you should be. Let me just leave this here...
Green Tea Health Benefits:
- Kills cancer cells
- prevents cancer
- prevents heart disease
- lowers cholesterol
- prevents stroke
- encourages weight loss/regulation
- treats inflammation
- enhance brain function and memory
- prevents Alzheimers
- fights cavities
- fights infection
- boost metabolism
- boost immune system
Do I really need to keep going? Green tea is relaxing, delicious, and extremely good for your health. Drinking just one cup a day can greatly improve your health. Spice up your mug with hints of mint or lemongrass, add a dash of organic honey or agave and get drinking!
Detox Bath
Personally, this is one of the most relaxing ways to be healthy!
Once a week or so, create a nice warm Epsom salt bath and bask in it. Epsom salts draw out toxins. Toxins are everywhere!
Our air, our food, even some of our water contain different forms of toxins. It can be exhausting for your body to try to fight them all off. Indulging yourself in a detoxing bath of Epsom salts can help ease your bodies constant fight and strengthen the immune system.
Epsom salts not only de-toxify the body, but ease muscle soreness, improves nerve and brain function, promotes blood flow, increases focus and helps with sleep issues, and can even reduce headaches and prevent blood clots.
Once a week or so, create a nice warm Epsom salt bath and bask in it. Epsom salts draw out toxins. Toxins are everywhere!
Our air, our food, even some of our water contain different forms of toxins. It can be exhausting for your body to try to fight them all off. Indulging yourself in a detoxing bath of Epsom salts can help ease your bodies constant fight and strengthen the immune system.
Epsom salts not only de-toxify the body, but ease muscle soreness, improves nerve and brain function, promotes blood flow, increases focus and helps with sleep issues, and can even reduce headaches and prevent blood clots.
Vegetables are VITAL to good health. Veggies can make or break your productivity for the day. Swap those french fries for some carrot sticks and observe how different you feel.
Veggies should always be the biggest part of your meal and should involve a lot of color.
Vegetables contain fiber, and important vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting anywhere else. They are important to our digestive system and the nutrients improve various parts of physical and mental health.
Not to mention, most vegetables are considered "zero-calorie" foods, meaning you burn almost, the same, or more calories eating them than the number of calories the food actually contains.
Take a break from the chaos of the world. Set down your phone and take some deep breaths. Close your laptop screen and go for a walk. Technology and media is a great tool, but can be overwhelming at times, and frankly, staring at a screen for hours on end is not healthy. Taking breaks to focus on other things and give your brain a break is so important, and so healthy.
Set an electronics curfew.
If you know you are going to be home, make a certain time, recommended 1-2 hours before bed, and shut off your electronics and just unplug. Don't look at a screen right before bed. Studies have shown an increase in sleep abnormalities due to electronic screen usage close to sleeping time.
Get Moving
Being healthy is a choice, and everyday we are faced by hundreds of choices. Small decisions throughout your day may seem insignificant in the moment, but add up in the end. Deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking instead of driving, taking a hike instead of binge watching Netflix all day, these are all choices we have the power to make. Staying active does not have to mean going to the gym everyday, it can be as simple as taking a moonlit walk, a Saturday afternoon hike, or a date night swing dancing.
The best, and most refreshing natural way to be healthier is to simply spend time outside everyday, moving around.
The best, and most refreshing natural way to be healthier is to simply spend time outside everyday, moving around.
Enjoy the Life You Have
It sounds so cliche. But perhaps the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is fall in love with your life. There is beauty all around you, and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what you had to eat that day, or how many hours you spent at the gym. Do something you love everyday, and be kind to everyone. Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, and a perfect opportunity to become a better version of yourself!
With a good attitude and happy mindset, you can improve your life. Don't be discouraged by one bad day, there is tomorrow! I hope these tips gave you some inspiration for small lifestyle changes you can make to make yourself feel better. These have personally changed my life, and I feel so much happier since deciding to make these changes. Love the world, love others, and love yourself!
Now go inspire, motive, and live!
xoxo readers ~ The Daily Fitt
I love all the tips you have mentioned, but I would also like to add moderate exercise is also good thing for a healthier lifestyle.