Whole 30 -- Life Savers
Things I Wish I knew
Most look at the list of foods you can't eat during Whole 30 and groan.
No legumes?
No dairy??
No grains??
Okay... So it is a little daunting. Some may even say, impossible. But Whole 30 doesn't have to be that difficult. In fact, it can be almost painless! (Realize I said almost...)
The reality is, if you are participating in Whole 30, you are challenging yourself, and you probably already know that it won't be easy. However, the outcome of Whole 30 is worth it. Odds are you are doing this diet because you want a healthier and happier you! So why can't that be fun?
It can!
Going into Whole 30 I thought I would be eating salads everyday. Now I realize how terrible and unhealthy that would be for me. So if you don't listen to anything else I say, listen to this.
Whole 30 is not about eating less, it is about really feeding yourself.
So what does that mean? Don't go into Whole 30 expecting to lose weight because you are suddenly eating less. You should actually be eating more or about the same as before. The beauty of eating on Whole 30 is that you don't have to feel guilty about feeling full! How amazing is that? Whole foods fill you up and leave you with lasting energy. Refined sugars and processed foods give you temporary satisfaction and only provide energy for a short amount of time, leaving you coming back for more and more. These foods may make you feel great in the moment, but they always come with a crash... and it sucks.
So How Does It Work?
You may be asking this question since carbs are limited and you are no longer getting your energy from sugars or a lot of carbs. The answer... Fats. Wait what? A diet that actually encourages the consumption of fat? Yes! Actually, it is designed to depend on natural fats. These are things such as coconut, olive, and avocado oils, nuts, avocados, and coconut milk! Whole 30 is designed to encourage the consumption of natural fats in order to fuel your body. Along with these fats you should include proteins, many many vegetables, and some fruits!
So maybe this isn't going to be as hard as you thought?
Here is the hard truth. Whole 30 is hard... however, it is NOT impossible in the slightest.
It is hard to watch your friends enjoy a greasy piece of fluffy pizza, while you eat a sweet potato and celery sticks.
It is hard to plan meals and follow through with preparing them.
It is hard to eat out and enjoy times with friends because you have to worry about what is in your food.
It is HARD to say no.
But, that is where I come in!
I am here to give you a few tips and tricks I picked up along my journey through Whole 30 that, honestly, saved me from disaster. These easy Life Savers, made my experience a lot smoother, easier, and made it kind of fun!
10 Whole 30 Life-Savers
#1 Coffee Fillers
If you are like me, coffee is a part of your daily routine. It is a must have. Personally, I can drink my coffee black without batting an eye, but sometimes it just isn't what you are craving. There are a few simple ways to spice up your coffee without sugar or dairy involved!
1. Almond milk (unsweetened) - A tasty and easy way to mellow your cup-of-joe and pretend it's creamer. [Disclaimer: Some people say hot almond milk tastes like cardboard... I do not.]
2. Coconut milk (full fat) - Refrigerated full fat coconut milk is more like a fluffy cream than a liquid. It is a nice addition to your morning mug, adding just a hint of nuttiness and incorporating a soft texture to every sip.
3. Vanilla extract - This can be tasty, but I would recommend mixing it with a non-dairy milk. It adds a great vanilla taste.
4. Cinnamon - Okay, I put cinnamon on everything. Well maybe not everything... but it is delicious! Spice up your morning routine with a hint of cinnamon.
My last piece of advice to add some fun to your coffee is to froth your milk.
That is right...
Froth it.
If you don't have a milk frother, simply pour your milk into a microwave safe container, shake well, remove lid and microwave on high for 30-40 seconds, pour milk into coffee while holding back the foam, and carefully place the foam on-top of the finished coffee.
#2 Easiest Breakfast Ever
Throughout my 30 days, breakfast became my absolute FAVORITE meal of the day. This was because it was simple, and delicious!
My favorite breakfast was so easy!
Here it is...
1 ripe banana cut into slices.
1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk.
handful of almonds, pecans, or walnuts
1/8 cup of unsweetened coconut flakes
2 tsp of cinnamon (I told you I loved it)
1 tbsp of sugar free almond butter
Combine all ingredients and microwave or heat on stove until desired softness. *Waaallllaa*
Oatless oatmeal!!
#3 No Motivation Go-To
I highly recommend that you make this recipe in a large quantity and reheat it on days when you are running late or just don't have the motivation to continue. I'll let you in on a little secret...
(It tastes like pumpkin pie. shhhhhhhhh)
Yes my friends! This recipe SAVED MY BUTT. Not only is it really easy, but it is totally satisfying and healthy! I ate the leftovers for breakfast on days when I was running late or I simply didn't feel like cooking.
This kept me from starving because I didn't have time to cook.
1 large sweet potato peeled and shredded.
1 apple peeled and shredded
2 tbsp of coconut oil
2 tsp of cinnamon (you know it.)
1 tsp of nutmeg
dash of sea salt
1/4 cup of walnuts or pecans
2 eggs
1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup of coconut flakes
1 Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. melt coconut oil in a medium sauce pan. Add shredded sweet potato and cook until soft (about 8-10 minutes)
3. Add shredded apple and spices to pan and let cook for about 5 minutes.
4. Whisk eggs and milk in a oven safe pan or bowl. Transfer mixture from stove into bowl and mix together well.
5. fold in walnuts and coconut flakes, garnish top.
6. Cook in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until top is golden brown and texture is fluffy and not soggy.
Refrigerate the leftovers and reheat for easy breakfast. I LOVE THIS RECIPE.
#4 Leftovers!
This tip kind of ties into the last one, but saving leftovers will save you from disaster during your diet. It can be hard, and sometimes impossible, to cook everyday. So make a big batch of your favorite new recipe, and eat if for lunch the next day! Trust me, it will help you out.
Don't underestimate leftovers.
This is for survival.
#5 Po-ta-to, Pot-at-o
Did you know that potatoes are Whole 30 approved? Eat them.
Potatoes are extremely versatile and so easy to make! Roast some potato wedges, saute some crispy hashbrowns, mash those suckers up, or even make a baked potato! Don't eat them everyday, but eat them when you need to. Potatoes saved me a few times when I was stumped on what to make for dinner.
Need a meal to go?
Microwave a potato, add some coconut oil or clarified butter, wrap in tinfoil and take on the go! Simple and delicious!
Sweet potatoes are also amazing.

You can also stuff your potato skins (it is so fun.) And pinterest has about a million recipes for potatoes. Go crazy and get creative!
#6 Snacking Like a Pro
Finding snacks you can eat on Whole 30 may seem hard and boring, but have no fear, snacking might not be as hard as you thought. Here is a list of my go-to snacks during my diet.
1. Almonds/Nuts
2. Apples
3. Plantain chips and fresh salsa
4. Almond butter
5. Fresh veggies
6. Dried apricots (One of the few dried fruits that is almost always sugar free)
7. Baked Sweet potato chips
#7 Hydrate
I have read so many blogs about Whole 30, and have yet to find one that includes hydration. Hydration is an extremely important part of this diet! The entire point of this diet is to break your bad relationship with food and become a better you! This cannot happen without properly hydrating. Drinking enough water maximizes your results. Lets say that again.
Who wouldn't want to do that? You are already working really hard to be successful in this diet, why not make the most of it?
Carry a water bottle, everywhere.
Drink it anytime you think about it. Trust me, it will make a difference. If you can make it a habit to drink more water, you will be less likely to revert back to unhealthy snacking habits when you finish your diet. This is because water fills your stomach and helps you feel full, so you don't gorge yourself. It also is just incredibly good for your body.
#8 Eating Out 101
Eating out is a tricky game on Whole 30. From what I've learned, it is best to simply not do it, but sometimes you just can't stay home. Although it can be hard to be 100% sure that what you are eating is completely compliant, you can come pretty darn close. Here are a couple safe bets when eating out.
1. Chick Fil A - Chick fil a can be hard because everything is fried in peanut oil-- which cannot be consumed on this diet-- however, there are still a few things you can eat. My go to meal at Chick Fil A is a grilled filet with no marinade (also called the original filet) and a side salad with no cheese or dressing. This meal is 100% compliant. I have an inside source... a.k.a. my boyfriend who has worked there for four years. This meal is cheap and delicious. I like to pull apart the chicken and add it to the salad with some salt and pepper.
2. Mexican - Mexican is probably the easiest place to eat out during your Whole 30 journey. Most proteins are cooked in natural fat or olive oil in these restaurants, making it almost always safe to order the meat with no sauce, cheese, beans, or rice. An easy option here is to get a taco salad or some steamed veggies.
(Always ask about how the meat is cooked to make sure. All restaurants are different)
And here is a bonus tip: Bring your own chips. This may make you feel silly, but seriously, it saved my life. I brought a small bag of plantain chips to the restaurant because salsa is my absolute favorite food and it made all the difference.
#9 Breath Drops
During your 30 days, you may encounter a situation where you need a stick of gum or breath mint.
We have all been there.
However, gum and mints are not compliant, nor allowed on Whole 30. Breath drops saved my life and probably my friends' lives too. Cure your harsh breath with a few drops of sugar free breath drops, and you are good to go! These allow you to feel fresh without having to brush your teeth all day.
These do come in handy, believe me.
#10 Support, Goals, Plan
I am sure that if you have heard of Whole 30 before, you have heard about goal-setting and support groups. However, even though this one seems like a no-brainer, it is absolutely essential for being successful in your 30 days.
Set Goals...
Know exactly why you are doing this diet.
I GUARANTEE that you will hear this question at least a million times during these 30 days.
"Why are you even doing this diet?"
The first time someone asked me this, I honestly didn't know what to say.
I knew exactly why I was doing it, and it was for the 2 page list of health benefits that come from doing this diet, but that was hard to put into a quick answer.
Be ready for people to ask you about why you are doing this and have a strong answer.
Without the right support, you will fail.
If everyone around you is criticizing you or tempting you, then it is going to be impossible to be successful. You need people to encourage and hold you accountable.
Although there will always be people who are unhelpful during your 30-day journey, with the right people there to support you, you can get through it.
Here are a few qualities to consider before assembling your support group.
1. These people need to understand why you are doing this.
If you are doing this to lose weight, make sure they know that. If you are doing it to become happier, more focused, and mentally healthy, then tell them that!
Make sure that whoever is supporting you knows exactly why you are doing this so they can support you in that specific way. This will also help them understand from your point of view and be more likely to help you remember why exactly you decided to do this in the first place!
These people need to care about you and want to see you succeed.
If these people don't really care about your results, don't choose them. For my journey, I picked my mom and my boyfriend as my main support beams. This was because they cared enough about me getting through this, that they were willing to go out of there way to see me be successful.
You need someone you are around a lot.
I chose my mom and my boyfriend because I am around them most often. It is easy to slip up or cheat when no one is looking, or the people you are with the most aren't being supportive. Have a support group that is close to you and that is around you often.
Planning will make or break your diet. Designate a planning day.
I recommend Sundays.
Plan your meals for the week and make sure you have plenty of ingredients on hand.
Take into account where you will be and how much time you will have throughout the week. If you follow these simple steps, you will be able to achieve success.
Well, these are the best lifehacks I can give you. I wish I had known these when I started Whole 30. Lucky for you, I suffered so you don't have to! I hope you could get something out of these tips, and I wish you all the best on your journey through Whole 30.
Remember that it isn't going to be easy at first, but you are completely capable of being successful.
Don't Give In
Stay strong, and this diet may just change your whole life!
Xoxo readers! - TheDailyFitt
Set Goals...
Know exactly why you are doing this diet.
I GUARANTEE that you will hear this question at least a million times during these 30 days.
"Why are you even doing this diet?"
The first time someone asked me this, I honestly didn't know what to say.
I knew exactly why I was doing it, and it was for the 2 page list of health benefits that come from doing this diet, but that was hard to put into a quick answer.
Be ready for people to ask you about why you are doing this and have a strong answer.
Without the right support, you will fail.
If everyone around you is criticizing you or tempting you, then it is going to be impossible to be successful. You need people to encourage and hold you accountable.
Although there will always be people who are unhelpful during your 30-day journey, with the right people there to support you, you can get through it.
Here are a few qualities to consider before assembling your support group.
1. These people need to understand why you are doing this.
If you are doing this to lose weight, make sure they know that. If you are doing it to become happier, more focused, and mentally healthy, then tell them that!
Make sure that whoever is supporting you knows exactly why you are doing this so they can support you in that specific way. This will also help them understand from your point of view and be more likely to help you remember why exactly you decided to do this in the first place!
These people need to care about you and want to see you succeed.
If these people don't really care about your results, don't choose them. For my journey, I picked my mom and my boyfriend as my main support beams. This was because they cared enough about me getting through this, that they were willing to go out of there way to see me be successful.
You need someone you are around a lot.
I chose my mom and my boyfriend because I am around them most often. It is easy to slip up or cheat when no one is looking, or the people you are with the most aren't being supportive. Have a support group that is close to you and that is around you often.
Planning will make or break your diet. Designate a planning day.
I recommend Sundays.
Plan your meals for the week and make sure you have plenty of ingredients on hand.
Take into account where you will be and how much time you will have throughout the week. If you follow these simple steps, you will be able to achieve success.
Well, these are the best lifehacks I can give you. I wish I had known these when I started Whole 30. Lucky for you, I suffered so you don't have to! I hope you could get something out of these tips, and I wish you all the best on your journey through Whole 30.
Remember that it isn't going to be easy at first, but you are completely capable of being successful.
Don't Give In
Stay strong, and this diet may just change your whole life!
Xoxo readers! - TheDailyFitt
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